Any Dog, Any Age, Any Breed

Our programs let you choose based on your preferences:

  1. Time Spent Together: More 1-on-1 time means easier, better and more reliable results.
  2. Long-Term Support: More support means more  peace of mind and less worry about behavior slipping over time.

Best of all, our programs work quickly for every dog and can also be done 100% online!

The Basics Program

This program is perfect for dog owners who just want the jumping and mouthing to stop.

Imagine walking around your house or playing with your dog without having to shield your hands or brace yourself for their jumping!

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed by these behaviors.

In just 3 weeks, right from your home, you’ll have a calmer, more manageable dog. This program includes:

  • House Manners stop the jumping and mouthing making your dog more responsive indoors
  • 30 Days Follow-Up access to our private FB support group for daily feedback
  • Lifetime access to our online resource portal so that you can  revisit session content anytime.
  • All Necessary Equipment Included

The Essentials Program

What if instead of being pulled and zigzagged down the street, you could actually have a pleasant walk together?

Imagine your family actually enjoying your dog, without feeling like you’re supervising a toddler all day!

How much stress would disappear if these worries were finally gone?

The Essentials Program makes sure your dog listens at home, behaves on walks, and respects your family.

Completed in just 5 weeks in your home, this program includes:

  • House, People, & Door Manners so so your dog is calm and listens the first time, earning you compliments from family instead of frustration
  • Leash Manners so you can enjoy walks with your dog without getting pulled around!
  • 90 Days Follow-Up access to Zoom Coaching and our private FB group for daily feedback
  • Lifetime access to our online resource portal to revisit session content anytime
  • All Necessary Equipment Included

The Thrive Program

Discover the only dog training program you'll ever need...

Perfect for busy families or owners who want the most support in getting things right the first time.

We'll even do some of the work for you, which will save you tons of time and effort.

This is our most popular program and guarantees your dog behaves beautifully both at home and out at your favorite spots.

Picture your dog listening around the house, behaving when guests arrive, and staying calm and trustworthy around your kids—no more selective hearing!

PLUS, achieve incredible freedom at parks and trails when you finally trust they’ll listen off-leash and come when called.

Completed in just 8-10 weeks in your home, this program includes:

  • Everything in The Essentials Program PLUS:
  • More and Better Manners  around your guests, children, other animals in the house, and in public places
  • Relaxation Training  which stops hyperactivity, restlessness, barking for your attention, over-excitement and other unwanted behaviors
  • Off Leash Trust and Freedom because your dog is off-leash 99% of the time anyways!
  • Weekend Scheduling to fit your busy work week
  • 1 Year Follow-Up Access to Lessons, Zoom Coaching, and our Private FB Group
  • Lifetime access to our online resource portal to revisit session content anytime
  • All Necessary Equipment Included

We'd love to learn more about you and your dog! Reach out today!

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